The Next Score

Sunday, September 23, 2007

when it comes to a point where no word is spoken; no reply is given; no access is granted..i guess that's when u ask yourself whether all was worth; any was remembered; rashness was pardoned.

ying was talking about humans being disgusting creatures, on the matter that when one doesnt have a job, one is unhappy; but when one does have a job, one is still unhappy.

i think walking contradictions.

i read a storybook long time ago about a girl who found herself in a perfect relationship with a perfect boyfriend.that's what every girl or guy wants.but this girl couldnt believe that she could be that lucky and did something to mar that perfection.

the point isnt whether or not they broke up in the is that sometimes, humans are just so...weird? like when u finally get lucky u dun wanna believe u are that lucky because u've never been lucky so u think all is but reality and start doing things so you can wake up and get out of this unbelievable lucky situation without getting too much into it in case u start enjoying is reality and the fact that you had hoped and prayed for this lucky situation to come does not stop this sense of pessimism and negativity when u do end up in the lucky situation.

or is it just me.


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