The Next Score

Tuesday, December 25, 2012






Saturday, February 05, 2011

when familiarity makes the fuze shorter

when familiarity makes the fuze shorter, does it mark the beginning of forever? Or does it hint the need for something new?

we are all creatures of habit. there are definitely certain things we have to do, places we have to go everyday without fail. if something interrupted that certain routine, we will feel uneasy. you can say that you are not a creature of that sort,that you like change, you like the unpredicted...well i can tell you i like change, i like the unpredicted too, but i can't make do without a cup of coffee everyday. it's not the caffeine's working, it's just part of a process to complete my day. we are all creatures of habit, like it or not.

when someone is involved in that everyday routine, wat happens?
if that someone is no longer part of that everyday routine, wat happens?
or wat if that someone is still part of that everyday routine but somehow it's making us not ourselves anymore, then wat happens?

we can't make the someone go away, because if we do, we will be missing that part of the process to complete our day; but if we don't make the someone go away, we might find ourselves losing ourselves as time goes by. which is more important, when both involve losing ourselves? catch22? does this qualify?

is this the very reason we find ourselves getting frustrated easier and faster the more familiar we get with the someone? because we know that the someone is one we so want to do without but cannot do without? therefore we nitpick every chance we get because this someone both defines us and destroys us? when familiarity makes the fuze shorter, does it mark the beginning of forever? Or does it hint the need for something new?

...or perhaps love?

Sunday, November 04, 2007

geez i need a hug:/

someone i miss; a fren; a colleague; anyone.

geez i need a hug:)

Sunday, September 23, 2007

when it comes to a point where no word is spoken; no reply is given; no access is granted..i guess that's when u ask yourself whether all was worth; any was remembered; rashness was pardoned.

ying was talking about humans being disgusting creatures, on the matter that when one doesnt have a job, one is unhappy; but when one does have a job, one is still unhappy.

i think walking contradictions.

i read a storybook long time ago about a girl who found herself in a perfect relationship with a perfect boyfriend.that's what every girl or guy wants.but this girl couldnt believe that she could be that lucky and did something to mar that perfection.

the point isnt whether or not they broke up in the is that sometimes, humans are just so...weird? like when u finally get lucky u dun wanna believe u are that lucky because u've never been lucky so u think all is but reality and start doing things so you can wake up and get out of this unbelievable lucky situation without getting too much into it in case u start enjoying is reality and the fact that you had hoped and prayed for this lucky situation to come does not stop this sense of pessimism and negativity when u do end up in the lucky situation.

or is it just me.

Friday, August 31, 2007

oh oh last then five hours i'll be leaving singapore with julie and ying to go


Sunday, August 12, 2007

so i assume that it had been but a simple diversion,yanoe that kinda diversion to find and try something new so that you will come to realise you actually miss the old and understand that the old is and always has been the best:/

on a more interesting note,imma join archery!!hooray!!

*fingers crossed that nothing will crop up


Wednesday, August 01, 2007

went for a movie with derrick the other day and woah my gosh,do not order the watever simpsons watever movie snack with coffee and donut...coz first of all, they took ten mins to make a cup of coffee, which tasted like sour cream mixed with a bit of coffee&tea (i think and hope it's just amk cathay); and the donut..wat can i say?the 7-eleven's ones taste so much more superior..

i wasted $4.50..

~~off to drink 2-in-1 coffee